
Current Time 05:13pm


Calle Toulon 330, La Molina - Lima 12








  • Business Services
  • Group Trade Missions
  • Trade Education
  • Trade Information

About World Trade Center Lima

World Trade Center Lima was launched to stimulate and strengthen trade relations between Peru and the world. Its main objective is to identify, analyze, manage and develop multi-sector business opportunities to promote foreign trade, and support the synergy between its public and private sectors.
WTC Lima constitutes an engine for economic development, facilitating the integration of the business community, associations and governments at local and international levels. It is also an active promoter of international businesses stimulating the marketing of goods and services to contribute to the expansion of global markets.

Our goal is to become the leading commercial brokerage platform through which different efforts are made to improve international business, offering services such as trade missions, participation in international fairs, trade information, market research, etc.

Member Benefits:

  • Access to local business and trade experts
  • Access to in-bound & out-bound strategic partners
  • International peer-to-peer networking
  • Mitigation of international business risk globally

Local Industries:

  • Agri-Business, Food & Beverage Processing, Animal Husbandry,
  • Energy: Utilities & Mining,
  • Chemicals,
  • Textile,
  • Metals & Natural Resources,
  • Industrial Manufacturing

Join Us

Facilities & Services

WTC Lima facilities and services provide you with all the necessary tools to succeed.

Trade Services

  • International Trade Events ⋆
    International Trade Workshops, International Trade Seminars, International Trade Events
  • International Trade Education Services ⋆
    International Trade Workshops, International Trade Seminars, International Trade Events
  • Business Services ⋆
    Referrals to Other Service Providers
  • Group Trade Missions ⋆
  • Trade Information and Research Services ⋆

Click below to learn more about the benefits of becoming a member.


We offer a full range of internationally acknowledged facilities and services to business people.


Our Impact


Peru has become a land of business opportunities thanks to the constant economic growth we experienced in the last years.


Is estimated to be Peru's economic growth for 2013 in a conservative scenario


Of all Peruvian imports in 2012 were capital goods


Is the projected growth of employment in urban areas by 2013

Our Team

Meet Our Members & Tenants

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Upcoming Events

Take part in WTC Lima events and increase your network.

In the News

Keep up with Peru’s latest news on economy, investment and trade.


  • Peru sees US$ 8 billion in mining-investment - LIMA, PERU - Peru's mining sector has around US$ 8 billion worth of mining and infrastructure-related projects in the pipeline for the next three years, the country’s Deputy Energy and Mines Minister, Guillermo Shinno, said Monday. Speaking to Andina news agency, he noted the... more

  • Peru set up US$140mn in deals at China trade fairs - LIMA, PERU - Peruvian companies closed US$ 140 million in business deals at its two trade fairs held in China’s leading commercial hub cities of Beijing and Shanghai, the country’s Foreign Trade and Tourism Ministry (Mincetur) said Friday. Magali Silva, Mincetur’s head, noted... more

  • Peru promotes garments at Magic Show in Las Vegas - Lima - Peru's Export and Tourism Promotion Board Promperu will take part in Magic Show Las Vegas 2014 from August 17 to 20 in Las Vegas, Nevada, in a bid to promote the country’s garment sector. According to a resolution issued by Promperu, Peruvian garment manufacturers will... more

  • Peru mango shipments hit record high at end season - LIMA, PERU - Mando industry in Peru has achieved a successful 2013-14 campaign by shipping 6,100 containers, the Peruvian Mango Exporters’ Association (APEM) has reported. According to APEM’s general manager, Juan Carlos Rivera, the Andean nation has shipped 1,250 more contai... more

  • Peru's private investment is set to grow by 6.1% - LIMA, PERU - Private investment in Peru is set to grow by 6.1 percent annually between 2014 and 2017, increasing its share of Gross Domestic Product (GPD) to 20 percent by the end of the three-year period. "Peru's private investment rate (as a percent to GDP) would be among t... more

  • Peru’s GDP growth to post 5.7% in 2014 - LIMA, PERU - The Peruvian economy is set to record a growth rate of 5.7 percent this year, while the forecast improves to 6.4 percent for the period between 2015 and 2017, Peru’s Economy and Finance Ministry (MEF) has reported. Luis Miguel Castilla, MEF’s head, noted these re... more

  • Peruvian coffee exports to rise by 10% in 2014 - LIMA, PERU - Coffee exports from Peru are set to grow 10 percent to US$ 800 million this year driven by the rising price of coffee in international markets and the production volume recovery, the country's Foreign Trade and Tourism Ministry (Mincetur) said Wednesday. Magali S... more

  • Peru's March GDP likely to have grown by about 6% - LIMA, PERU - Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is expected to have expanded by around 6 percent in March this year, said on Tuesday Luis Miguel Castilla, Peruvian Economy and Finance Minister. The minister stated the Ollanta Humala's administration has managed to maintain g... more


  • First informative talk on the “Exporting Route Program” - On Thursday, September 12, was the first talk on the Exporting Route PROMPERU, this talk was organized by World Trade Center Lima (Lima WTC) and the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (USIL). Export Route, is a program that seeks to strengthen the small and medium enterprises ... more

  • Peru is the least vulnerable economy in Latin America - The Economist magazine did a study based on four factors to determine the least vulnerable countries in Latin America, including Peru tops the list. Peru is considered less vulnerable economy of the region before any sharp in capital inflows from abroad, along with Chile and ... more

Contact Us

Get In Touch

Thank you for your interest in WTC Lima! For general questions and comments please complete the form below and a member of our team will reach out to you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you!


Calle Toulon 330, La Molina - Lima 12

