
Upcoming Events

  • How successful is tweeting as an entrepreneur? - What do Geert Noels, Marc Couke, Eden Hazard and Pope Francis I have in common? They are all active on Twitter. Bart De Clerck, who wrote a book about the social network, is happy to show you around in Twitterland.How do you get more followers?Why is Twitter also networking?Wh... more

Past Events

  • Priority & Time Management - WTC Academy - Priority & Time Management Create more space in your daily life. About this event Are you always too busy? Do you suffer from procrastination? The feeling that your to-do list is endless? Become in charge of your own time. Create more space in your daily life... more

  • How to increase the vibe of your team? - How to increase the vibe of your team? About this event 70% of the targets set for change projects are not met. Why is that? Jan Vermeiren explains it to you.Discover why collaborations do not run optimally, break resistance to change, learn about the four different vibes and ... more

  • Coming-up of E-Commerce by Covid-19 - WTC Academy - From Disruption to Acceleration - Belgian E-Commerce: "on its way to a more mature market". About this event The corona crisis accelerated the rise of e-commerce, transforming the business landscape from one day to the next. Increased investment in online presenc... more