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WTC Hong Kong (AF) was established in 1976. It has been serving as a forum for the international business community. WTC Hong Kong (AF) provides serenity and ambience that is ideal for presentation, product launch, press conference, seminar as well as formal business meeting. As one of the fewest well established private clubs on Hong Kong Island, it is not only popular among local and overseas members of WTCs, but also a most respected and accessible business platform for senior executives and professionals to exchange experience, knowledge and business networking among members and their potential business partners.
(This article uses material from the World Trade Center Hong Kong (AF) website and is protected under copyright. www.wtcchk.com)
per capita GDP was 36,795.82 USD in 2012
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is the 6th largest in the world by market capitalization in 2011
a population of over 7,000,000 people
Thank you for your interest in WTC Hong Kong (AF)! For general questions and comments please complete the form below and a member of our team will reach out to you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you.
Hong Kong