
International Heritage Day at WTC Orlando

Apr 01, 2014

ORLANDO, FL, U.S.A. - World Trade Center Orlando is hosting their 22nd annual International Heritage Day at The Orlando City Hall Rotunda on Thursday May 15, 2014 between 5:30 PM and 8:00 PM. This event, which will be free and open to the public, will provide a great opportunity to network with Bi-national Chambers of Commerce and learn about the multitude of cultures and heritages while enjoying food, beverages, and entertainment from all over the world. The concept of their International Heritage Event shows World Trade Center Orlando’s mission of global interoperability and prosperity through trade.

 Giving a chance to the public and government agencies to learn more about WTC Orlando’s mission to promote trade and create jobs both locally and internationally has enabled WTC Orlando to gain support and develop the ability to improve the economy for Central Florida.
